30 July 2020 - Sarah Al Tamimi,
Vice-Chair of the National Committee to Combat Human Trafficking, Saudi Arabia
  I joined the fight against human trafficking when I became a member of the National Committee in October 2019, where one of my responsibilities was developing the Committee’s strategy. In February 2020, I was appointed the Committee’s Vice-Chair. My work includes a lot of coordination with various ministries and authorities which all work together as part of a concerted national team.
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29 July 2020 - Carmen*,
Financial Intelligence Analyst, Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada, Canada
  As a Financial Intelligence Analyst, I assist in the detection, prevention, and deterrence of money laundering and the financing of terrorist activities.
I joined FINTRAC five years ago, and I analyse financial transaction reports and create financial intelligence products, which we share with law enforcement agencies.
Some of the cases I am dealing with can be linked to individuals or entities suspected of ... Read more
29 July 2020 - Inspector Irfan Abdul Nabi
Incharge Immigration and Anti Human Smuggling at FIA Taftan Border
  I am working as in-charge of Immigration and Anti Human Smuggling for Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) at Pakistan-Iran border (Taftan), which is a key transit point for Afghans coming to Pakistan and Pakistani irregular migrants intending to reach Europe. Taftan is in district Chaghi of Balochistan Province, which is extremely vulnerable to external trafficking in persons and smuggling of migrants. Read more    
29 July 2020 - Amina Boukamcha,
Victim Files Officer, National Anti-Trafficking Commission (INLCTP in French), Tunisia
  My tasks as an officer in charge of the victim files is to detect suspected cases of human trafficking based on reports we receive. Once a victim is identified and rescued, I am also assisting them by making sure they have access to legal support. This is only possible through the close collaboration of all entities providing victims support, such as Ministries, civil society, and international organizations. Read more  

28 July 2020 - Mutaawe Rogers,
Senior Program Manager, Uganda Youth Development Link (UYDEL)
  As a local non-governmental organization, we provide advocacy, psychosocial support, and skills development to disadvantaged children and young people between the ages of 13 to 24 years.
Our Organization was established 27 years ago and since then we identify, rescue, rehabilitate, and reintegrate victims of trafficking, particularly children trafficked and exploited in commercial sex ... Read more

27 July 2020 -
Jelena Hrnjak, Programme Manager
Atina – Citizens Association for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, Serbia
  My job in Atina is to make sure that our long-term social inclusion programme for trafficking survivors functions smoothly.
Our organization raises direct constructive criticism to government institutions to change policies and improve the position of victims of human trafficking in society, and that is also a huge part of my everyday job.
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26 July 2020 -
Betty Pedraza Lozano
Executive Director, Corporación Espacios de Mujer, Colombia
  My Organization provides psychosocial counseling to adolescent and adult victims of human trafficking.
We also organize trainings, workshops, and campaigns, with the aim to fully reintegrate trafficking victims into society. And to achieve this, we additionally work with people at every level of policymaking to try and positively influence anti-trafficking policies in Colombia.
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25 July 2020 -
Mauricio Fagundes
Head of the Division of Inspection for the Eradication of Slave Labour (DETRAE), Brazil
  I am a labour inspector and the operational coordinator of the Special Mobile Inspection Group which rescues workers from slave-like conditions and human trafficking throughout Brazil.
We also provide evidence for the prosecution of these crimes and inform relevant partners, including government entities, NGOs and other stakeholders, about modern slavery and human trafficking. Read more

24 July 2020 -
Mueni Mutisya,
Head of Anti-Human Trafficking and Child Protection Unit (AHTCPU), Kenya
  My Unit works under the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) and deals with cases of child trafficking, sexual exploitation and abuse.
We also handle victim identification, rescue, placement in care facilities and offer counselling services.
We rescue an estimated 600 children a year from trafficking.
A further role is to raise awareness among police officers on these crimes. Read more
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