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June 26

June 26 is the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, also referred to as World Drug Day. Established by the United Nations General Assembly in 1987, this day serves as a reminder of the goals agreed to by Member States of creating an international society free of drug abuse.

The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) selects themes for the International Day and launches campaigns to raise awareness about the global drug problem.

We invite everyone to mark 26 June! It is a unique occasion to take a stand against a problem that affects us all.

UNODC campaign themes since 2000

2019 - "Better knowledge for better care"

2019 - "Health for Justice. Justice for Health."

2016-2018 - " Listen FIRST - Listening to children and youth is the first step to help them grow healthy and safe"

2015 - "Lets Develop - Our Lives - Our Communities - Our Identities - Without Drugs"

2014 - "A message of hope: Drug use disorders are preventable and treatable"

2013 - "Make health your 'new high' in life, not drugs"

2012 - "Global Action for Healthy Communities without Drugs"

2011 - "Say No!"

2010 - "Think health - not drugs"

2007-2009 - "Do drugs control your life? Your life. Your community. No place for drugs."

2006 - "Value yourself...make healthy choices"

2005 - "Drugs is not child's play"

2004 - "Drugs: treatment works"

2003 - "Let's talk about drugs"

2002 - "Substance abuse and HIV/AIDS"

2001 - "Sports against drugs"

2000 - "Facing reality: denial, corruption and violence"


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