The Strange Letter - Corruption and social investments
How should Christina respond to this request?
Find out whether this has any connection at all with the bid and the decision due to be taken in the very near future.
Recommend that her company should offer to fund the programme, since the group generally has a positive attitude to supporting education.
Reply in writing that her company is strongly against anything which might be seen as corruption and is therefore unable to support this kind of programme.
Should the company support the student programme?
Support the student programme.
Do not support the student programme.
Look at these statements about corruption and click on those that are true
Corruption is legal as long as it does not involve public officials.
Corruption constitutes a threat to social justice.
Corruption ruins reputations.
Corruption is acceptable when it is part of the local culture.
Corruption exposes companies and individuals to risk.
Corruption undermines legitimate business activities.
Corruption distorts competition.
Generally speaking, can we support student programmes?
Module completed - Summary
Particular care is required when dealing with public officials.
According to the UN Convention against Corruption, giving an advantage to family members or others close to a public official can also constitute corruption.
Making donations to beneficiaries who are themselves, or related to, decision makers on outstanding bids is not permitted.