Line Up, Live Up to beat #COVID-19: Stay Home!

We invite you to participate in the Sport Challenge to demonstrate how sport can help people navigate challenges in life. 

07 April 2019 – To mark this week’s International Day of Sport for Development and Peace, the Ministry of Physical Culture and Sports of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the UNODC Regional Office for Central Asia, have launched a special campaign to promote sport as a tool to build life skills, instil positive values, and build resilience to difficult situations, including anxiety as a result of confinement during the current coronavirus crisis. 

Through this campaign – Sport Challenge – youth and their families are encouraged to be physically active and find in sport a tool to stay focused, positive and united in order to overcome obstacles and defeat COVID-19. Besides earning yourself a healthy attitude, a healthy mind and a healthy body, by taking part in the competition you also have the opportunity of winning a sport device to continue doing exercise at home.


How to enter: 

1) Shoot a video and let us know how sport helps you deal with difficult situations in your life (including the COVID-19 crisis) and what skills it helps you strengthen. Remember: stay safe and stay at home in quarantine where you can still engage in physical education and sports, alone or with members of your family.

2) Tell your friends – and the world – how you’re taking part in the Sport Challenge by sharing the video on your Facebook and Instagram accounts.

3) Be sure to tag the Ministry of Physical Culture and Sports (, and use the official hashtag #LINEUPLIVEUP #STAYHOME so we’re able to watch your piece. The best ones will also be reposted!


How your video will be evaluated:

Video entries will be evaluated against their quality and length: no video should exceed 40 seconds.


The competition is open from 6 to 26 April 2020. During this period, the winners of the competition will be determined and awarded every week. Good luck – and stay safe!

To find out more about the Line Up Live Up initiative, please visit:



For more information, please contact Mrs. Vasilina Brazhko,

Communication and PR Officer at UNODC/ROCA

at +996775987817 (Whats App)

or by e-mail: