News archive 2022

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30 January 2022

Preventing violent extremism in prisons programme: Achievements Report 2018-2022

UNODC has published the final achievements report for the 'Supporting the management of violent extremist prisoners and the prevention of radicalisation to violence in prison' programme. The European Union and United Nations joint initiative supported Kazakhstan, Tunisia and Uganda to build the capacity of prisons to address the challenges posed by terrorism and violent extremism; to bring together and share expertise and good practices; and to ensure that essential resources, processes and relationships are in place to allow prison services to move from strength to strength. more

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2 February 2022

UNODC steps up effort to protect child victims and witnesses in terrorism-related proceedings in Nigeria

In the past years, multiple armed groups, including Boko Haram and its splinter faction ISWAP, have used children as strategic pawns for their terror tactics in Nigeria. Boko Haram has abducted, recruited, and exploited thousands of children since the group began attacks around the Lake Chad Basin in 2009. more

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7 February 2022

UNODC Executive Director launches Strategic Vision for Latin America and the Caribbean for 2022-2025

The Executive Director of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), Ghada Waly, launched today the Strategic Vision for Latin America and the Caribbean for 2022-2025 in Bogota, together with the President of Colombia, Ivan Duque, and Ministerial level representatives from the region. more

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22 February 2022

EU and UNODC senior officials underscore continued importance of international cooperation to tackle organised crime and drug challenges

On 15 February 2022, the European Union (EU) and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) held their 16th Senior Officials Meeting (SOM) to exchange on common priorities for the challenges posed by drugs and crime to peace and security, human rights and development around the globe. more

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2 March 2022

Virtual dialogue on Wildlife Trafficking

On the occasion of World Wildlife Day, the UNODC and the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) invite you to join a virtual dialogue on 3rd March 2022 that will present lessons learned and discuss challenges and opportunities for a renewed EU Action Plan to tackle wildlife trafficking, including how the EU can support the fight against wildlife trafficking in the field in partner countries. more

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26 April 2022

UNODC participates in the DG NEAR consultations on 2022 Enlargement package

UNODC joined consultations of the Directorate-General for European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations (DG NEAR) on the 2022 Enlargement package, which sets out the way forward and takes stock of the situation in the candidate countries and potential candidates for entry into the European Union (EU). more

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8 June 2022

EU and UNODC exchange on strategic cooperation in Latin America and the Caribbean

The European External Action Service (EEAS) and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) organized a Strategic Dialogue on LAC aimed at discussing ongoing and potential collaboration in the LAC region in the context of the implementation of their strategies and programmes and the 2030 Agenda. more

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15-16 June 2022

UNODC promotes the International Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism in Albania

As part of its efforts to address some of these challenges, UNODC conducted a country visit to Albania to promote adherence to, and implementation of, ICSANT. The visit took place under project “Promoting Universalization and Effective Implementation of the International Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism” funded by the European Union. more

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21 June 2022

UNODC, EU and partners support Kenya's progress on alternative justice systems 

Almost two years after the launch of Kenya’s Alternative Justice Systems (AJS) Policy, hundreds of stakeholders who helped shape the so-called “policy of the people” are gathering to review progress with its implementation. more

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30 July 2022

UNODC, the EU and Belgium shine light on human trafficking and the role of technology

Under UNODC’s theme “Use and Abuse of Technology” and supported by Belgium’s new campaign for the Blue Heart “Shine the Light on Human Trafficking”, UNODC partners from Belgium and the EU held awareness-raising events and activities in cities across the country. more

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 4 October 2022

ICAT-EU meeting: Swift response to conflicts critical to preventing human trafficking 

The Inter-Agency Coordination Group against Trafficking in Persons (ICAT) met with the European Union Anti-Trafficking Coordinator, Diane Schmitt, to exchange on policy matters and strengthen cooperation to counter conflict-related human trafficking. more

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6 October 2022

UNODC and the European Union hold first-ever Anti-Corruption Dialogue

On 6 October, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs (DG HOME) co-organised the first-ever EU-UNODC Anti-Corruption Dialogue in Brussels. more


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25-26 October 2022

Safeguarding sport from corruption in the Pacific region: UNODC delivers first workshop as part of EU-funded projects in Asia and the Pacific 

UNODC's programme on Safeguarding sport from corruption and crime this week convened a workshop on the manipulation of sports competitions and sports events for the Pacific region. more

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28 November 2022

EU-supported PLEAD project embraces green justice initiatives in Kenya

The first installations of solar panels supported by UNODC and the European Union to “green” the Judiciary of Kenya have been completed at Tononoka Children’s Law Courts and Shanzu Law Courts in Mombasa. more 

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30 November 2022

World AIDS Day: Virtual high-level event "Closing inequality gaps for people who inject drugs: Promoting community-led responses for rights-based and people-centred health services"

To mark World AIDS Day 2022, the EU, UNAIDS, UNODC and Aidsfonds, jointly organised a virtual high-level event. more

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13 December 2022

ICSANT at 15: High-level event commemorates anniversary of the Convention's entry into force

To commemorate the 15th anniversary of the Convention’s entry into force, UNODC, the Government of Canada, and the EU co-hosted a high-level event to discuss progress made since then, celebrate the Convention’s successes, and chart the future of promoting ICSANT and strengthening the global nuclear security architecture. more