Temporary Bans for GERMANY
Type of legislation:
Temporary Bans
Legislation title:
German Federal Narcotics Act "BtMG" (1981), ยง 1 para 3
Known year of first control:
In January 2009, the Federal Ministry of Health placed JWH-018 under temporary control, through an Emergency Ordinance of the Narcotics Act. Under the ordinance, the unlawful manufacture, trade and possession of this substance was prohibited for one year, pending its inclusion in the Narcotics Act through the regular procedure. The Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Products also classified, at the request of one local authority, two "Spice" mixtures ("SMOKE Aromatherapy Incense" and "genius genius Enjoy Blend") as products requiring authorization for medicines. Therefore, the import of such substances was forbiden under the Medicines Act.
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