Generic Legislation for GERMANY
Type of legislation:
Generic Legislation
Legislation title:
New Psychoactive Substances Act (NpSG)
Known year of first control:
The new psychoactive substances act (NpSG) entered into force with its publication in the Federal Law Gazette on 26 November 2016. This law prohibits the acquisition, possession and sale of new psychoactive substances (NPS) as well as sanctioning the passing on of NPS. The NpSG does not apply to substances already controlled under the Medicines Law or the Narcotic Law and explicitly allows accepted use for commercial, industrial and research purposes. In particular, the NpSG introduced generic controls over two NPS groups, i.e. phenethylamines and synthetic cannabinoids. This was further extended to cover benzodiazepine-type susbtances, N-(2-aminocyclohexyl)amide derived compounds (e.g. synthetic opioids from the U-47700 class), tryptamine derived compounds, arylcyclohexylamine derived compounds and benzimidazole derived compounds.
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