The list of controlled substances in Estonia is included in “the regulation on narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances” No. 73, May 2005 [Narkootiliste ja psühhotroopsete ainete meditsiinilisel ja teaduslikul eesmärgil käitlemise ning sellealase arvestuse ja aruandluse tingimused ja kord ning narkootiliste ja psühhotroopsete ainete nimekirjad; Vastu võetud 18.05.2005 nr 73 RTL 2005, 57, 807jõustumine 05.06.2005] amended by RT I, 26.11.2013, 4 which provides an updated list of controlled substances. Since 2007 a number of NPS have been added to this list: 2C-I; 2C-T-2; 2C-T-7; TMA-2; BZP; CPP were added in 2007 [RTL 2007, 88, 1477 – 26.11.2007]; several CP- JHW- and HU- compounds were added to the list in 2009 [RTL 2009, 59, 872 – 24.07.2009]; other JWH- compounds and mephedrone were added to the list in 2009 [RTL 2009, 89, 1308 – 11.12.2009]; in August 2016, W-18 and 5F-MDMB-PINACA were added to the list of controlled substances []. In 2016, Estonia added 7 NPS to Schedule I of the list of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances:4-AcO-DMT, 2C-P, ethylone, 5F-AMB, furanylfentanyl, W-18 and 5F-MDMB-PINACA.