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April 2024 - UNODC: First reported NPS in 2023 show strong increase in synthetic opioids as stimulants and synthetic cannabinoids diversify

VIENNA, Austria - April 2024: Based on preliminary information from 16 countries, 31 new psychoactive substances (NPS) have been identified for the first time in 2023, compared to 44 in 2022. Overall, the decreasing in the number of NPS reported for the first time per year observed since 2021 seems to have continued in 2023.

A notable difference to substances reported for the first time in 2022, was the higher number of synthetic opioids (nine substances - almost a third of all first reported substances), as well as the fact that more nitazenes (six substances) than fentanyl analogues (three substances) were reported for the first time in 2023.

The second and third largest group among the first reportings in 2023 were synthetic cannabinoids (six substances), including three semi-synthetic cannabinoids, and stimulants with six substances, including four synthetic cathinones. The diversification of semi-synthetic cannabinoids, already observed in 2022, continued in 2023 with the emergence of Hexahydrocannabihexol, Tetrahydrocannabidiol, Tetrahydrocannabiphorol. So far, only countries in Europe have reported these three substances to UNODC.

Based on the information available, the pattern of NPS reported for the first time changed significantly from 2022 to 2023. While in 2022, synthetic cannabinoids represented almost half of all first reportings and more stimulants than synthetic opioids were reported, in 2023, a higher number of synthetic opioids were reported followed by stimulants and synthetic cannabinoids at equal numbers.

In terms of regional patterns, by far the largest number of first reportings to UNODC EWA in 2023 were made in Europe, where 21 substances were reported for the first time, none of which was reported in any other region. An additional six substances were reported in North America for the first time and not in any other region, and four first reportings were reported in both regions.

Figure 1: Number of NPS reported in 2022 and 2023 for the first time by effect group

Source: UNODC Early Warning Advisory (EWA) on New Psychoactive Substances, 2024. Data for 2023 is preliminary.


For further information please see:

EWA news: February 2024 – UNODC EWA: Nitazenes – a new group of synthetic opioids emerges

EWA news: October 2023 – UNODC EWA: The emergence of semi-synthetic cannabinoids

***The Spanish translation of this news item is made possible thanks to a collaboration with OAS/CICAD, a partner of the UNODC EWA.**

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