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June 2019 – UNODC: UNODC World Drug Report 2019: Seizures of synthetic NPS may be stabilizing

VIENNA, Austria – June 2019: The overall quantities of synthetic NPS seized showed a marked increase at the beginning of the second decade of the new millennium but, irrespective of the reported increase in 2017, have not grown notably since (see Figure 1). This may reflect the fact that some of the most harmful NPS have been put under national and international control in recent years and are therefore produced and trafficked less than in the past. 

A total of 66 countries across all regions reported seizures of synthetic NPS to UNODC over the period 2007–2017, rising from 15 countries in 2007 to 45 countries in 2017. Most of the quantities of synthetic NPS seized were reported in the Americas (mostly North America), followed by Asia (mostly East and South-East Asia) and Europe (Western and Central Europe and Eastern Europe). Data also indicate the dominance of synthetic cannabinoids within the seizures of synthetic NPS throughout the second decade of the new millennium. These were followed by ketamine and synthetic cathinones over the period 2014–2017.

Figure 1: Global quantities of synthetic NPS seized, 2007-2017

Source: UNODC, responses to annual report questionnaire (World Drug Report 2019).

For more information please see:

World Drug Report 2019 – Booklet 2

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