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UNODC Early Warning Advisory (EWA) on New Psychoactive Substances (NPS)

The EWA provides access to basic information on new psychoactive substances. Specific information on NPS including trend data, chemical details on individual substances and supporting documentation on laboratory analysis can be accessed by registered users only.

What are NPS?

New psychoactive substances have been known in the market by terms such as 'legal highs', 'herbal highs', 'bath salts', 'research chemicals'

NPS Substance Groups

NPS differ greatly in terms of their adverse effects, the ways in which they are abused and their historical background

NPS Data Visualisations

Interactive data on the global emergence of NPS

News (view all)

DISCLAIMER: These news articles have been reproduced verbatim as on the original site, with the exception of replacing certain terms with United Nations terminology when necessary. As such, the articles are provided for general reference purposes. Their content does not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.

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