UN meeting: Brazil presents monitoring and evaluation model of National Plan to Counter Trafficking in Persons

Brasília, 28 May 2014 - Brazil presented its model for monitoring and evaluating the II National Plan to Counter Trafficking in Persons this month in Thailand, during a meeting coordinated by the Special Rapporteur of the United Nations on Trafficking in Persons, Joy Ezeillo, together with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR).

This was the second consultation meeting convened by the Special Rapporteur, aimed at presenting countries' models, opening a discussion about the benefits of having different national reporting models and referral mechanisms, besides promoting the exchange of information about developed activities, best practices and lessons learned.

The meeting was attended by national rapporteurs on the subject, international organizations, regional organizations and countries that have equivalent mechanisms of policies to counter trafficking in persons.

According to the Director of the Justice Department at Brazil's National Secretariat of Justice, Fernanda dos Anjos, the Brazilian model stands out because of the fact that the country prepares monitoring reports on the plan' progress every four months, in accordance with the concepts of transparency and efficiency in public management.

"This is an important opportunity to demonstrate the advances made in the II Plan and discuss the challenges that are still faced to counter trafficking in persons at the national, regional and international level", said Fernanda dos Anjos.

"The Brazilian government's participation in this meeting is a sign of the importance of the country's efforts to implement its national policy to counter trafficking in persons", said Nivio Nascimento, UNODC's Rule of Law Programme Officer in Brazil.
To learn more about the monitoring and evaluation system of the II National Plan to Counter Trafficking in Persons, visit: http://goo.gl/r4ApnY

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