Uzbekistan joined UNODC's family skills training initiative

At the beginning of the year, UNODC's global project "Prevention of drug use, HIV/AIDS and crime among young people through family skills training programmes in low- and middle-income countries" was endorsed by the government of Uzbekistan for implementation in 2013. According to the project workplan, approved by the government, the project will be implemented in two cycles.  

 In April-June 2013 the first implementation cycle of the programme "Families and Schools Together" (FAST) was conducted in two pilot schools within the framework of the project. At the beginning of this cycle, 17 local trainers from pilot schools in the Tashkent city area (School №64 and School №324) were trained by international experts from Great Britain on conducting FAST sessions among families. After completing the training, local trainers held eight FAST sessions for pupils in 1 st-2 nd grade in pilot schools and their parents. In total, 40 families benefitted from the first cycle. Trainers, parents and children involved in the programme were eager to participate in FAST and provided positive feedback.

  "My son was disobedient before the programme. Now he listens to me and he has became more respectful to family members" - Parent, School №64.

  "One of the parents in our group had tears of happiness in her eyes when her son served her a meal. She said that he would never do it at home. FAST helped all participants, including trainers, to revalue relationships with family members and bring positive changes" - Trainer, School №324.

 During the 5 th session (May 18 th), two specialists on drug use prevention from the Tashkent Narcological Dispensary were invited to the pilot schools to discuss issues related to drug use with the parents. They asked questions related to drug and alcohol use and prevention methods for children and adolescents.

 On June 8 th, the final 8 th session (the graduation ceremony) was conducted in both pilot schools. Families in each school prepared a concert with children singing, dancing and giving small performances. The Deputy Minister of Public Education Mr. Abdugani Kholbekov awarded certificates of completion for FAST programmes to the families. Some families expressed regret that FAST had ended so quickly.                         

  "I liked FAST very much. I met new friends here. I don't want FAST to end" - Child, School №324.

  "FAST sessions were conducted with insight and enthusiasm in almost all the groups from the selected pilot schools. Both children and their parents expressed interest in FAST. This programme can be implemented in Uzbekistan with special consideration for our mentality, traditions, rich culture and the history of our nation" - National expert, observer of the programme's implementation.