United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) within its global mandates and the framework of the Programme for Central Asia for 2015-2020 provides ongoing technical assistance to member states, including the Republic of Kazakhstan. Strengthening the legal framework, policies and national strategies on anti-money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism (AML/CFT) is the primary directions of UNODC’s technical assistance.
In 2020, UNODC held several working meetings with the management of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Regulation and Development of the Financial Market (Agency) and, the Committee on Financial Monitoring of the Ministry of Finance (Committee) to discuss the questions of strengthening the capacity of supervisory authorities on AML/CFT.
On 23-25 November in Almaty, in order to implement the agreements reached, the UNODC Global Programme Against Money Laundering, jointly with UNODC Regional Office for Central Asia, OSCE Program Office in Nur-Sultan, the Agency and the Committee held a training seminar on “Strengthening the capacity of financial organizations and supervisory agencies of the Republic of Kazakhstan to counter the financing of terrorism “.
Mr. Aliaksandr Vadziany, UNODC Regional Advisor on AML/CFT in his opening remarks noted that within the framework of the second round of mutual evaluations of the Eurasian Group on Combating Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism (EAG) or compliance with international standards, priority is given to the effectiveness of the AML / CFT system and the final ratings depend on practical measures implemented in the country. For this reason, during the event, the practical aspects of assessing and understanding risks by the participants in the AML / CFT system, and measures for risk management were considered. The experience of the activities of the supervisory authorities of the Russian Federation, Ukraine, the Republic of Belarus and other countries was presented.
Mr. Nurlan Abdrakhmanov, Deputy Chairman of the Agency noted in his speech that a sectoral risk assessment is currently being carried out in the country, which will be reflected in the results of the national AML / CFT assessment. Based on the results of the sectoral assessment analysis, appropriate measures will be taken to minimize the ML / FT risks. In addition, the Agency conducts analysis on an ongoing basis in order to identify ways and methods of laundering criminal proceeds from the activities of financial pyramids and through foreign trade operations. The Agency, together with government agencies, is taking measures to develop effective measures to counter these negative phenomena.
Mr. Gabit Lesbekov, Deputy Chairman of the Committee, in his opening remarks highlighted the importance of strengthening the capacity of the supervisory authorities of the Republic of Kazakhstan on AML / CFT in anticipation of the mutual evaluation of the EAG. The state authorities of the country are already working on preparation for the mutual assessment, which will take place in 2021, and the training seminar is a logical continuation of this work.
36 heads of departments and specialists of the Agency, the Committee and the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan took part in the event. The event was organized with the financial support of U.S. State Department's Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs.
Due to global spread of COVID-19 pandemic, the training was held in hybrid mode in line with the WHO guidelines and national authorities’ sanitary regulations as physical distancing, face masks and hands sanitizing hygiene.
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Shakhnoza Zafari,
Communication and External Relations Officer
UNODC Regional Office for Central Asia (Tashkent)
Mobile: +998935547895
E-mail: shakhnoza.zafari[at]un.org