3-11 October 2018, Bukhara, Uzbekistan - Combined training on physical surveillance and the identification of drugs, NPS and precursor chemicals was organized for 43 law enforcement officers of the Interagency Mobile Teams (IMT) of Uzbekistan from the 3
rd to the 11
th of October 2018 in Bukhara.
The IMT units are integrated into the national counter narcotics strategy and work to counter trafficking of narcotics into and through Uzbekistan. The IMTs and their coordinating structure - the Operations Coordination Team (OCT), are joint groups which consist of officers from the State Security Service, the Ministry of Interior, the State Customs Committee and the National Information-Analytical Center on Drug Control under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Six IMT units were launched during an official ceremony on the 25 th of June 2018.
This training course is part of a series of trainings for the officers. The teams receive technical support from the UNODC Regional Office for Central Asia and financial support from the Government of Japan.
The training was organized in cooperation with the Embassy of Italy in Uzbekistan. The sessions were delivered by experts from the Italian Central Directorate for Anti-Drugs Services (DCSA).
In his opening remarks, Mr. RC Pitts, UNODC International Programme Coordinator, noted that, "It is great to see experts from UNODC and the Embassy of Italy and the Italian Ministry of the Interior work together on this training. The Italians have extensive background and experience in combatting organized crime and their expertise will be well received by the representatives from the State Security Service, the Ministry of Interior and the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan".
Mr. Federico Quatrini, Drug and Security Liaison Officer, Embassy of Italy in Uzbekistan, noted that, "The representatives of the Italian Central Directorate for Anti-Drugs Services which are presented here are practitioners and came here not only to share their skill and knowledge but also to learn from the experience of their colleagues in Uzbekistan."
The training covered the identification of drugs, precursor chemicals and new psychoactive drugs (NPS). Sessions included; international legislation on drugs and precursors, international trends, concealment methods, methods of identification and safety precautions for operative officers.
The participants were also trained in organizing surveillance operations and provided an overview of various methods used in counternarcotic surveillance operations.
The highlight of the event was practical training in the streets of Bukhara on the methods of static surveillance, foot surveillance and car surveillance.
As a part of the well-planned scenario, the participants conducted simulated surveillance of investigation targets and organized criminal groups. The operations were conducted both on the crowded streets close to the city market (bazaar) and at the railway station. After the simulations exercise, participants had a chance to analyze their actions and decisions with the trainers during debriefing sessions.
The component on "Countering Trafficking of Afghan Narcotics in Uzbekistan through Establishment of Interagency Mobile Teams" is implemented under Sub-Programme 1 of the UNODC Programme for Central Asia (2015-2019) and funded by the Government of Japan.
For more information:
UNODC in Central Asia on Facebook
Please, contact Mr. Muzaffar Tilavov
National Project Officer, UNODC ROCA
E-mail: muzaffar.tilavov[at]un.org
Tel.: +998 (71) 120-80-50