Coordinating efforts in combating transnational drug crime

An International Practical meeting for the coordination of efforts in combating transnational drug crime, organized by UNODC RERH22 project and CARICC took place in Almaty, Kazakhstan on 8-9 June, 2010. The meeting was attended by the heads of operational departments of the law enforcement agencies of CARICC member states and its partners. Mr. Tofik Murshudlu, Sr. Coordinator of UNODC RERH22 project, and Mr. Beksultan Sarsekov, the Director of CARICC emphasized the role and potential of CARICC in the overall coordination of joint law enforcement activities in the region and exchange of intelligence, as well as the issue of better utilization of CARICC capacities and services on the operational level. The focus of the meeting was on the major threat posed by drug trafficking from Afghanistan, as well as on the exchange of intelligence and the organization of bilateral and multilateral operations in the region. Discussions were mainly concentrated on the recent drug trafficking trends in the region and merging criminal groups and organizations. Participants were encouraged to have separate (closed) meetings with interested parties on potential "targets" for possible joint operations and/or investigations. The meeting attracted delegates from all CARICC member-states, as well as representatives of LEA's from such countries as Afghanistan, Pakistan, Ukraine, Romania, Belgium, Norway, US, Italy, Finland, France, Austria and others. Representatives from international agencies including Interpol, SECI Center, BOMCA and the Anti-Terrorist Center of the CIS took an active part in discussions and supported the idea regular meetings.